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南通市托幼机构卫生保健工作现状调查 *
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中文摘要: 摘 要:目的:通过对南通市托幼机构卫生保健工作现状进行分析,提出现阶段托幼机构卫生保健管理工作的对策和建 议。方法:回顾性分析 2020—2022 年南通市托幼机构卫生保健工作人员配备情况、儿童健康状况、传染病防治等指标,对 南通市卫生保健工作管理现状进行分析。结果:2022 年南通市托幼机构共配有保健老师 1 252 人,其中专职保健老师 648 人,占 51.73%;具有医师或护师执业资格证的保健老师共 183 人,占 14.62%,明显低于江苏省平均水平 (22.80%)。 2022 年南通市托幼机构累计发生传染病 3 202 例,儿童传染病患病率为 1.8%,其中前 5 位传染病依次为手足口病 (占 35.17%)、水痘 (占 27.26%)、流行性腮腺炎 (占 4.06%)、猩红热 (占 3.47%)、急性出血性结膜炎 (占 3.43%);儿童视力不 良率为 10.13%,龋齿率为 33.40%,生长迟缓率为 0.36%,消瘦率为 0.74%,肥胖率为 5.66%,轻度贫血率为 1.62%,中重度 贫血率为 0.07%。结论:南通市托幼机构卫生保健人员配比初步达到国家要求,但专职卫生保健人员占比不高,且有医学知 识背景的人员相对较少,建议卫生健康行政部门与教育部门加强沟通协作,自上而下提高对托幼机构卫生保健工作的重视程 度,高标准配备卫生保健人员;要针对在园儿童常见病、多发传染病,制定有针对性的干预措施,保障在园儿童身心健康。
Abstract:Abstract: OBJECTIVE To provide the countermeasures and suggestions of health care management in kindergartens at the present stage by analyzing the current situation of health care work. METHODS In the study, the status quo of health care management from Nantong was analyzed between 2020 and 2022, including health care staff staffing, children’ s health status, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in kindergartens. The staffing of healthcare personnel in childcare institutions in Nantong had been improved in 2022 compared to 2020. RESULTS In 2022, the ratio of health care personnel to children reached 1: 147; the proportion of full-time health care teachers was 51.73% , among which the proportion of medical personnel was 14.62% , which was significantly lower than the provincial average (24.60%); the prevalence rate of infectious diseases in children was 1.80%, among which the top five infectious diseases were hand, foot and mouth disease (35.17%), chickenpox (27.26%), mumps (4.06%), scarlet fever (3.47% ) and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (3.43% ); the rate of poor visual acuity and caries were 10.13% and 33.40% ; and the growth retardation, wasting, obesity, mild anemia, moderate and severe anemia rate were 0.36% ,0.74% , 5.66% , 1.62%, and 0.07%. CONCLUSION In general, the proportion of health care personnel in kindergartens in Nantong initially meets the national requirements, but the proportion of full-time health care personnel is still low, and the personnel with medical background are limitation. It is suggested that the health and education department should strengthen communication and cooperation, increase the importance of health care work in kindergartens from top to bottom, and allocate health care personnel with high standards. It is need to formulate targeted intervention measures to protect the physical and mental health of children in kindergartens based on common diseases and frequent infectious diseases.
文章编号:3202410010     中图分类号:R179    文献标志码:
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