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中文摘要: 摘 要:健康素养作为潜在的社会性决定因素,对全民健康水平的提升具有重要意义。国际对提升公众健康素养十分重
Abstract:Abstract:As a potential social determinant, health literacy is of great significance to the improvement of the health level of the
entire population. Health literacy promotion, as an important part of the Health China initiative, needs to be highly valued. Major
developed countries in North America and Europe have conducted many explorations and practices in the field of health literacy
promotion in the past decades. The article analyzes the health literacy promotion policies implemented at the national level in
Canada, The United States, Germany, Australia, and other countries in recent years. Based on the development background of
China’s times and the implementation of current policies, policy recommendations are proposed to further improve the level
of national health literacy.
文章编号:3202410002 中图分类号:R193 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
陈柏霖 |
Author Name | Affiliation |