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中文摘要: 摘 要:为了探索基层烟草控制健康教育模式,降低人群吸烟率,提高居民健康水平,成都市成华区通过健全工作机制
途径突破烟草控制健康教育宣传瓶颈。全区禁烟氛围和无烟环境良好,烟草广告 100.00%去除,无烟医疗机构、无烟学校、
无烟党政机关覆盖率均达到 100.00%,成人吸烟率从 26.54%降至 20.57%。提高基层烟草控制健康教育质量和效果需要建立长
Abstract:Abstract: To explore the model of health education on tobacco control in grass-roots units,reduce the smoking rate and im⁃
prove the health level of residents. The “Four-in-One” model of health education on tobacco control was adopted by perfecting
the key points of working mechanism,seizing the commanding position of propaganda,strengthening the typical radiation point of
propaganda and finding the cut-in point of scientific propaganda, to break through the bottleneck of health education on tobacco
control. The smoking-free atmosphere and environment were good;100.00% of tobacco advertisements were removed;100.00% of
smokeless medical institutions,schools,party and government organs were covered;adult smoking rate decreased from 26.54% to
20.57% . To improve the quality and effect of health education on tobacco control in grass roots, it is necessary to establish a
long-term working mechanism,strengthen the construction of propaganda team,and integrate the related work of multiple depart⁃
ments to promote the breadth and depth of propaganda,give full play to the leading role of smoke-free units and other demonstra⁃
tion. At the same time,do real tobacco harm monitoring and evaluation,help scientific propaganda.
文章编号:3202410005 中图分类号:R193.3 文献标志码:
作者 | 单位 |
周静 |
Author Name | Affiliation |