福清市龙山街道学龄前儿童家长儿童保健知识 知晓状况调查及影响因素分析
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中文摘要: 摘 要:目的:调查福清市龙山街道学龄前儿童家长儿童保健知识知晓状况,探讨其影响因素。方法:2021—2023 年采 用分层整群随机抽样法,选取福清市龙山街道 5 家托幼机构的 150 名学龄前儿童家长进行问卷调查。采用 χ 2 检验与 logistic 回 归模型分析家长儿童保健知识知晓状况的影响因素。结果:150 名学龄前儿童家长儿童保健知识条目总正确率为 28.31%,其 中正确率最低的 3 个条目分别为“佝偻病的预防”(7.33%)、“正确的健康体检次数”(6.00%)、“儿童常见心理问题” (5.33%);150 名学龄前儿童家长中,儿童保健知识知晓良好 44 人、知晓较差 106 人,知晓良好率为 29.33%。年龄、家长身 份、文化程度、居住地、家庭月收入对家长儿童保健知识知晓率的影响,差异均有统计学意义 ( χ 2 值分别为 11.712、6.378、 6.328、5.406、7.456, P <0.05)。logistic 回归分析结果显示,年龄为 20~30 岁 ( OR =1.606)、父亲 ( OR =2.439)、文化程度 为初中及以下 ( OR =1.562)、居住地为农村 ( OR =2.045)、家庭月收入≤5 000 元 ( OR =1.817) 是影响学龄前儿童家长儿童 保健知识知晓状况的独立危险因素。结论:福清市龙山街道学龄前儿童家长的儿童保健知识知晓状况较差,受到年龄、家长 身份、文化程度、居住地、家庭月收入等因素影响,需要重点关注,加强宣教力度。
Abstract:Abstract: OBJECTIVE To investigate the awareness of children’ s health knowledge among parents of preschool children in Longshan Street of Fuqing,and explore its influencing factors. METHODS A cluster stratified random sampling method was used to select 150 parents of preschool children from 5 kindergartens in Longshan Street of Fuqing from 2021 to 2023. All parents were received questionnaire survey to analyze their awareness of child health knowledge, and χ 2 test and multiple factor logistic regression analyses were conducted to clarify its influencing factors. RESULTS The total accuracy rate of the answers from 150 parents of preschool children was 28.31%. The three items with the lowest accuracy rates were “prevention of rickets”(7.33%), “correct number of health examinations”(6.00%), and “common psychological problems in children”(5.33%) . Among 150 parents of preschool children, 44 had good knowledge (29.33%) and 106 had poor knowledge. The effects of age, parental identity, education level, residence and monthly family income on parents’ health care knowledge were significant ( χ 2 =11.712, 6.378, 6.328, 5.406, 7.456, P <0.05) . The results of logistic regression analysis showed that aged 20~30 years old ( OR = 1.606),father’ s identity ( OR =2.439),junior high school education level or below ( OR =1.562),lived in rural areas ( OR = 2.045),and monthly household income ≤5000 yuan ( OR =1.817) were independent risk factors affecting the awareness of health knowledge among preschool children and their parents. CONCLUSION The awareness of children’ s health knowledge among parents of preschool children in Longshan Street of Fuqing is relatively poor,which is influenced by factors such as age,parental identity, educational level,place of residence,and monthly family income. Therefore,it is necessary to focus on and strengthen education efforts.
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